The FERRARI Fastblock is a semi-automated block transplanter designed to work with square blocks from 3 to 5 cm. The innovative planting system can handle both short and tall plants at high speed, without damage. Perfect for vegetable, salad and brassica seedlings propagated in square blocks.
- 1 only operator FOR TWO TRANSPLANT ROWS
- Perfect for vegetables such as: salads, brassicas, celery, all similar seedlings with a height of min 6cm and max 15cm
- Versions available: 3-point hitch, draw-bar, self-propelled
- Frame: single-bed or multi-bed
- Rubber roller with adjustable pressure
- Memoplant (historical archive of transplant data exportable on SD card)
- PSC (Plant Spacing Control - Hydraulic gearbox as an alternative to the mechanical one with display to set plants per hectare / distance on the row)
- Electronic regulation for pincers opening
For more information please don't hesitate to contact us.